Advertise on your golf club's Leaderboard page withTournaScore™

Advertising on your club's scoring page is NOT just a benefit to your club and fellow golfers. Your advertisement will help YOU and your business!

The site statistics for the scoring pages are staggering. Once the players know they can go online to see their results, they will go to the scoring pages over and over. Experts agree that this type of advertising - repetition - is the best form of advertising you can buy.

What happens is this: A player will go online to see his or her scores. Then, after a while, they'll go back again to see what his / her friends shot. Then, they'll think about it for a while, and go back again to see what their longtime competitor shot, and so forth. There is so much interest in, and so many reasons to view the scores again and again, the statistics show that golfers will look at the scoring page as much as 3 or four times on the day of an event. AND, each time they view the scores, they will be required to see your ad FIRST.

Shown below is an actual screenshot showing site statistics from a golf club using TournaScore™ as its scoring service. The statistics show ONE DAY hits.

These are TYPICAL results. We see these types of results with every golf course that uses TournaScore™.

Each ad on the scoring page receives maximum visibility.

We limit each scoring page to only 4 advertisers. And, we never display advertisers from competing businesses. Our ads go quickly. This is why if you want to be, say, the only restaurant listed, or the only insurance company listed, you need to contact us as soon as possible.

Typically, your local Pro or Manager provides us with a list of potential sponsors, and rarely do we make it to the fifth or sixth call on the list. Most of time, the first four people we contact - take an ad. Your ad will run for one full calendar year. You will be given the first opportunity to renew your ad at the end of the year.

The cost is low - too low actually. So call today for more information and to reserve your spot on what will be the most seen webpage affiliated with your local club.